Thoughts on “growth”…

I initially wanted to name my business after a nickname we started to call my son early on in my pregnancy: Bean. Because of the different vetting processes involved, I wasn’t able to use the name - either on its own or as an acronym related to therapy. In choosing “Growth” for establishing my brand, I still had my son in mind. I have a tattoo on my wrist of a little bean that has a leaf sprouting from it. This, to me, was a way to encapsulate how he will always be my little bean but he has to grow. He recently turned three years old, and I’ve been heavily reflecting on just how much he has grown in this short span of time. I then found myself relating this notion to therapeutic work - how sometimes when we’re focused on the day to day, it doesn’t seem like much is really changing or evolving. But when we give ourselves a chance to look back over time, we may be more likely to see where growth has happened. If we think of ourselves as little beans sprouting with our little leaves, maybe we can practice more compassion and give ourselves more credit where it is due. What do you think?


Let’s talk expectations…