Lauren Genua Lauren Genua

Thoughts on “growth”…

I initially wanted to name my business after a nickname we started to call my son early on in my pregnancy: Bean. Because of the different vetting processes involved, I wasn’t able to use the name - either on its own or as an acronym related to therapy. In choosing “Growth” for establishing my brand, I still had my son in mind. I have a tattoo on my wrist of a little bean that has a leaf sprouting from it. This, to me, was a way to encapsulate how he will always be my little bean but he has to grow. He recently turned three years old, and I’ve been heavily reflecting on just how much he has grown in this short span of time. I then found myself relating this notion to therapeutic work - how sometimes when we’re focused on the day to day, it doesn’t seem like much is really changing or evolving. But when we give ourselves a chance to look back over time, we may be more likely to see where growth has happened. If we think of ourselves as little beans sprouting with our little leaves, maybe we can practice more compassion and give ourselves more credit where it is due. What do you think?

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Lauren Genua Lauren Genua

Let’s talk expectations…

When I first decided to pursue this venture, I had to make sure I was approaching it in the best way possible. What that mean for me was … what kind of expectations do I have about this process? Am I holding some kind of idea in my head and, if so, how rational or realistic is that idea? Do I have any evidence to support my expectation? The answer for me was a resounding “NO" - I have never done anything like this before! How would I really, truly know what was to come? I couldn’t! But at the same time, I held confidence in my ability to figure things out. I did some research, I asked questions, I sought support, and I broke it down in a way that made everything feel more manageable. It was still scary and uncertain and worrying, but felt doable at the same time. I was able to check myself and my expectations, and it helped me reset my overall approach to this journey. I allowed space for the hesitation and uncertainties while finding ways to move this all forward. I think this notion is one that can be applied to different examples and areas in all of our lives. How does this resonate with you?

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Lauren Genua Lauren Genua

Welcome! We’re both new here…

Welcome! We’re both new here…

For many years, I’ve imagined what it would be like to launch my own private practice. Admittedly, I enjoyed working for groups, agencies, or organizations where others had more responsibility over all of the aspects of running a business. It felt safer to me. And it was for many years. But as time went on and my own life changed, I realized I needed to re-assess my thoughts toward work.

I established Growth Mental Health Counseling, PLLC in early 2025 as a way to fully commit to myself. It is simultaneously scary and invigorating and exciting and…scary. But I’m being honest with myself about those feelings, acknowledging them, and giving them the appropriate space. And doing this anyway.

Ideally, I will continue to connect with young adults - from the elder millenials to the gen Z’ers - and support them in their lives. As a wife, mother, and therapist, I can relate to the challenges of managing multiple roles and responsibilities. I empathize with how difficult it can be to find balance, feel like yourself, and take care of yourself as best as possible given all the balls that can be in the air at one time.

I want us to work together and find ways to think more rationally, feel more fully, and act in ways that are more aligned with who we want to be. Let’s work together toward GROWTH.

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